

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Good Vibrations!

So we had our first earthquake last night. Yay!
Well, OK...the first one we could actually FEEL.

We have decided that child #7- the 1 year old- can predict earthquakes. On Friday night, around 2:10 am...she wakes up. Playing, happy, talking, chattering away. So cute. So cuddly. So AWAKE. At 2:12, we have a 4.7 earthquake. What a coincidence. If you believe in that sort of thing. Hubby was  more like.."Okay baby...you're not that cute. Go to SLEEP and SHUSH!!!!!"
Think that was the lack of sleep talking. Or he was channeling his inner grizzly bear. Either way.

So last night, we were enjoying sitting on the bed, babies asleep (yay!!). Hubby was watching the news, I was reading a book (a very GOOD book, the latest by Livia J Washburn, I highly recommend her books!). We were just listening to the quiet, soft little baby snores. That suddenly sounded like a freight train? Hmmm. Sleep apnea? Cold with chest congestion? And why is the bed shaking??

Kid #2 comes running in the bedroom & asks why the floor is shaking, why are things falling off the bookshelves?
Then it hits us.....OHHHHHHH. Earthquake!! Wowie!
We were so busy being excited that we plumb forgot to be worried. Good thing it wasn't a bigger one, or we'd have been crushed by falling books & run through by sharpened pencils.

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