

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Please hold the revolving door....

I have come to the conclusion that we really should have put a revolving door in our bathroom.  I guess it's not too late, really. After a year, we're STILL in the process of remodeling. And that's OK.  I'm not in a hurry. After all, who needs a sink, really? That's why God created bathtubs.
But a revolving door.....AH.....that'd be nice.
I've done the math. 7 kids, 6 of which are potty  trained. 2 adults, 1 of which is 41 weeks pregnant with what feels like a 15 lb baby doing a headstand on her bladder.
In total- 8 people using the bathroom. If each person uses the bathroom approximately 8 times during a 14 hour day, that's 64 bathroom trips. Add about 50 more for the pregnant lady, who goes 24/7. Now we're up to 114 potty breaks.
Since there are 840 minutes in 14 hours, that's about 7.3 minutes in between potty breaks. Give a little more between times if you're including the other 10 hours for the pregnant lady.
And those numbers are JUST for the tinkles! We haven't even figured in the #2's!! Yikes!

You can imagine how much wear & tear this puts on the door hinges & lock. Not to mention the damage done to the frame when someone is desperately needing the potty, but it's already in use.
*bang bang* hurry up in there!!!!

I'm really gonna have to stop doing that.....

But a revolving door. That'd  be a time saver & definite conversation piece. And to save even more time, the door could be mirrored! No more waiting for the bathroom to be free so you can  fix your hair! (with 5 girls, that'd be a life saver!!) And if the door had 4 panels, that means 4 girls could each fix their hair at the same time....Whooot!!!

Then again, maybe it'd just be simpler to get the 2nd bathroom finished. Wasn't it Einstein that said "Two toilets are better than 1?"

Hmmmm...actually, that was probably my grandma. She had 11 kids.......

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