

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A day in the life of.....

"How's your morning going?"
Ok...not so hard a question...I can answer that one. Lemme see.
Woke up with fruit loops stuck to my eyebrows. Wet, sticky, gummy fruit loops. Oh, no..pardon me...they are fruity hoops. We got generic this week. No clue why they're on my eyebrows, though. But I'm pretty certain that the 2 yr old had something to do with it.
After scraping the gooey, mushy fruity-ness off face, I stumble into the bathroom to find that the baby has painted the walls with the toilet brush. No worries, that's why God invented handywipes & sanitizer.
Off to the kitchen, where there's a brawl in progress. Seems kids 1, 3 & 4 are unsure how many packets of sugar #4 has sprinkled in her oatmeal, but they are fairly sure that it was more than 1 but less than 3. Ooookay. Note to self: Need a math lesson later.
Kid #2 tumbles down the stairs, bright & shiny. Embracing the day with eager optimism. I'm sure that's what he REALLY meant by the grumbles, growls & moans as he walked by.
Haven't seen kid #5 yet. Wonder if she's avoiding the morning chaos. Smart girl.

So by now, it's been exactly 2.4 minutes since I pried open my matted & gummy eyeballs.
I can tell it's going to be a fantastic day!
Or at least a normal one. :)

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